Matthew B. Courtney, Ed.D.

Jul 23, 20233 min

Knowledge Brokering:From the Cafeteria to the Classroom - the Principal's Office to Central Office

Every facet of the educational landscape is punctuated by decision-making. It is this constant decision-making process, executed at various levels, from the humble cafeteria to the dynamic classroom, the principal's office to the high-stakes central office, that forms the bedrock of the educational system. These decisions, big and small, can significantly influence a student's learning journey and overall educational experience. However, the key to effective decision-making lies in the utilization of evidence and research, a complex task made simpler by a vital yet often overlooked professional—the Knowledge Broker.

The Cafeteria: Promoting Health through Evidence-Based Choices

School cafeterias, far from being mere food distribution centers, play a pivotal role in shaping students' nutritional habits and, by extension, their overall health and well-being. The choices cafeteria staff make—what foods to include in the menu, the portion sizes, the balance of nutrients—are not simple decisions. These choices can directly impact students' physical health, cognitive development, and even their academic performance.

Knowledge Brokers can support cafeteria staff in their decision-making process by providing evidence-based recommendations derived from the latest nutritional research. They can translate complex studies on child nutrition, dietary habits, and the impact of nutrition on cognitive function into digestible, actionable insights. Through collaboration with Knowledge Brokers, cafeteria staff can design menus that not only satisfy hunger but also promote physical health and cognitive development, contributing to a healthier and more conducive learning environment.

The Classroom: Shaping Instruction with Evidence-Based Strategies

Teachers are at the frontline of education, driving student learning through their instructional strategies. The task of identifying and implementing the most effective teaching techniques can be daunting, given the sea of educational research and pedagogical theories.

Knowledge Brokers can serve as navigational aids for teachers in this vast ocean of educational research. They can distill key findings from studies on various instructional strategies, ranging from differentiated instruction and project-based learning to technology integration and formative assessment. By providing teachers with research-backed insights tailored to their specific instructional needs and contexts, Knowledge Brokers can help teachers refine their pedagogical approaches, thereby enhancing classroom instruction and, ultimately, student learning outcomes.

The Principal's Office: Harnessing Evidence for Effective School Leadership

Principals, as the leaders of schools, are the primary decision-makers on numerous critical aspects, including school culture, instructional leadership, staff development, and student support services. These decisions can set the trajectory for school improvement efforts and significantly impact overall school effectiveness and student achievement.

Knowledge Brokers can serve as invaluable partners to principals by translating complex educational research into practical, actionable insights. They can provide evidence-based recommendations on a wide array of issues, from fostering a positive school culture and promoting effective teaching practices to implementing responsive student support services and designing impactful staff development programs. With the support of Knowledge Brokers, principals can make informed, evidence-based decisions that drive school improvement and enhance student outcomes.

The Central Office: Informing System-Level Decisions with Research Insights

The central office is where high-stakes decisions regarding district-wide policies, resource allocation, and strategic planning are made. These decisions can shape the educational trajectories of thousands of students and significantly influence the operational effectiveness of entire school districts.

Knowledge Brokers can assist central office personnel by providing insights from relevant research studies to guide these crucial decisions. They can synthesize research findings on effective policy formulation and implementation, resource optimization, and strategic planning, providing central office personnel with an evidence-based foundation for their decision-making process. This way, Knowledge Brokers can help central office personnel design and implement policies that are not only evidence-based but also responsive to the specific needs and contexts of their schools and students.


In conclusion, Knowledge Brokers serve as a crucial conduit between the realm of academic research and the practical world of education. They empower educators at all levels—the cafeteria, classroom, principal's office, and central office—to make evidence-based decisions that can enhance the overall effectiveness of educational practices. Their role, although often behind the scenes, is fundamental in shaping decisions that can impact students' educational experiences and outcomes. As we navigate the ever-evolving landscape of 21st-century education, the value of Knowledge Brokers in promoting evidence-based decision-making is only set to increase. Their expertise and skills will continue to be a crucial resource for educators, aiding them in their relentless pursuit of educational excellence.