Ethical Considerations in Action Research
Matthew B. Courtney, Ed.D. | April 2024 | 5 Minute Read

Conducting action research in education is a critical component of improving and innovating teaching practices, curriculum development, and overall student outcomes. However, as practitioner researchers delve into the world of education, they must also be mindful of the ethical considerations that come with working with vulnerable populations, such as children and young adults. This blog post will discuss several key ethical issues that practitioner researchers should be aware of when conducting educational research, including informed consent, anonymity and confidentiality, and equitable treatment.
What Is Action Research?
Action research in education is a reflective process conducted by teachers or educational professionals to improve their teaching strategies, address student learning challenges, and enhance educational outcomes within their own classrooms or institutions. This form of inquiry is directly linked to practice, focusing on practical issues faced in everyday professional activities. It involves a cycle of posing questions, gathering data, reflection, and implementing changes based on the findings. The goal is to foster continuous improvement in educational practices and to contribute to the broader field of educational theory by basing changes on systematic, data-driven insights gathered from direct experience and experimentation.
The methodology of action research is collaborative and iterative, meaning it often involves multiple cycles of questioning, reflecting, and acting. This enables educators to adapt to new insights and evolving circumstances, making it particularly suited to the dynamic and diverse environments found in educational settings. Each cycle aims to refine approaches and techniques, leading to improved outcomes for students and a deeper understanding of teaching practices for educators. The collaborative aspect also helps in building a shared professional culture that values inquiry and evidence-based practice, promoting a more reflective and proactive approach to education rather than a reactive one. This method not only supports teachers in implementing and testing new ideas but also empowers them to take ownership of their professional development and the educational improvements in their settings.
The Evidence Base for Action Research
The practice of action research is situated on a sound evidence base. It has been shown to be a powerful tool for empowerment through professional learning (Eilks, 2008; Kaur, 2013), led to meaningful improvement in teaching practices (Shu-hua, 2002; Laudonia et al, 2017), and promoted teacher leadership efforts (Smeets & Ponte, 2009).
Ethical Considerations for Action Research
Before beginning any kind of research project, it is essential that you take time to understand the ethical ramifications of your work. Here are a few things to consider when designing your action research project.
Informed Consent
Informed consent is a fundamental ethical principle that researchers must adhere to when working with human subjects. It involves obtaining permission from participants before they take part in a study, ensuring they understand the research's purpose, procedures, potential risks, and benefits.
In educational research, informed consent can be more complex. This is because it often involves working with minors who cannot legally provide consent on their own. In such cases, researchers must obtain consent from parents or guardians, as well as assent from the child or adolescent participants themselves. It's essential to use age-appropriate language when explaining the study to younger participants to ensure they understand their involvement.
Additionally, researchers must consider the power dynamics between themselves and their subjects, particularly when working with teachers and students. For instance, students might feel obligated to participate in a study led by their teacher or principal, fearing negative consequences if they decline. To address this issue, researchers should emphasize the voluntary nature of participation and ensure that no negative consequences result from non-participation.
Anonymity and Confidentiality
Protecting participants' privacy is another crucial ethical consideration in educational research. Researchers must maintain anonymity and confidentiality for their subjects to prevent potential harm or stigmatization.
Anonymity refers to concealing participants' identities, ensuring they cannot be linked back to their responses or actions within the study. This can be achieved by assigning codes or pseudonyms to participants and removing any identifying information from the data.
Confidentiality, on the other hand, involves safeguarding the information that participants share during a study. This means that researchers must take appropriate measures to securely store and handle data, limiting access to authorized individuals only. Additionally, when reporting findings, researchers should be cautious not to reveal any information that could potentially identify a participant.
Equitable Treatment
Educational researchers should strive to treat all participants fairly and equally throughout the research process. This involves ensuring that participants have equal access to resources, opportunities, and benefits associated with the study.
In some cases, the research process may inadvertently perpetuate existing inequalities or marginalize certain groups of participants. To mitigate these risks, researchers should conduct a thorough review of their research design, sampling techniques, and data collection methods, ensuring that they are sensitive to diverse populations' needs and experiences. This may involve incorporating the perspectives of underrepresented or marginalized groups, employing culturally sensitive data collection techniques, and avoiding research designs that may exacerbate existing inequities.
Avoiding Harm
The principle of "do no harm" is a cornerstone of ethical research. Educational researchers have a responsibility to minimize any potential harm to participants, whether physical, psychological, social, or emotional.
To assess potential risks, researchers should conduct a thorough risk-benefit analysis, weighing the potential harms against the study's anticipated benefits. This process should involve identifying any foreseeable risks, considering how likely they are to occur, and determining appropriate strategies to minimize or mitigate them.
Additionally, researchers should be prepared to address any unforeseen harms that may arise during the course of the study. This may involve adjusting research procedures, providing additional resources or support to participants, or terminating the study altogether if the risks become too great.
Transparency and Honesty
Honesty and transparency are crucial ethical principles in educational research. Researchers should accurately represent their research objectives, methods, and findings to participants, stakeholders, and the broader scientific community. This involves disclosing any potential conflicts of interest, reporting both positive and negative findings, and being open about any limitations or challenges encountered during the study.
Transparency also extends to the publication and dissemination of research findings. Educational researchers should make every effort to publish their work in accessible formats and venues, allowing the broader educational community to benefit from the knowledge generated. In doing so, researchers should adhere to established reporting guidelines and avoid engaging in practices such as data manipulation, selective reporting, or plagiarism.
Collaborative and Participatory Approaches
In many educational research contexts, adopting a collaborative or participatory approach can help address ethical concerns and enhance the overall quality of the research. By involving participants, stakeholders, and community members in the research process, researchers can gain valuable insights, build trust, and ensure that the study is more relevant and responsive to local needs and priorities.
Collaborative and participatory approaches may involve forming research partnerships with schools, districts, or community organizations, as well as engaging participants in the research design, data collection, and analysis processes. In doing so, researchers should be mindful of power dynamics and work to promote inclusive and equitable participation.
Ethical Oversight and Accountability
Finally, ethical oversight and accountability are critical components of conducting ethical educational research. This involves obtaining approval from relevant ethics review boards or institutional review boards (IRBs) before initiating any research with human subjects. These boards are responsible for assessing the study's ethical considerations, providing guidance and feedback, and monitoring the research's progress to ensure compliance with ethical guidelines.
Researchers should also be proactive in seeking feedback and guidance from colleagues, mentors, and other experts throughout the research process. This may involve presenting their work at conferences, engaging in peer review processes, or seeking out informal consultations with experts in the field.
Navigating the complex terrain of ethical considerations in educational research can be challenging, but it is an essential aspect of conducting rigorous and responsible research. By adhering to principles such as informed consent, anonymity and confidentiality, equitable treatment, and avoiding harm, researchers can ensure that their work respects participants' rights and contributes to the broader goal of improving education for all.
By fostering transparency and honesty, adopting collaborative and participatory approaches, and ensuring ethical oversight and accountability, educational researchers can continue to advance our understanding of teaching and learning while upholding the highest ethical standards.