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APA Citation Generator

Directions for the APA Citation Generator:

  1. Choose the Type of Document: Start by selecting the type of document you want to generate a citation for using the "Document Type" dropdown. The options available are: Book, Website, or Journal Article.

  2. Fill in the Details: Based on your document type selection, different fields will appear. For instance, if you choose "Book", you'll need to input details like author(s), year of publication, book title, publication location, and publisher.

  3. Generate the Citation: Once you've filled in all the necessary information, click on the "Generate Citation" button.

  4. Review the Generated Citations: The tool will produce the "Reference List Citation" as per the APA format. Additionally, both "Parenthetical Citation" and "Narrative Citation" are provided to suit your in-text citation needs.

  5. Starting Over: If you wish to generate another citation or correct details for the current one, click the "Start Over" button to reset the form.


A Few Reminders:

  • Ensure that you input author names in the format: Last name, Initials (e.g., Smith, J.A.; Doe, J.R.). For multiple authors, separate them with a semicolon.

  • Be sure not to include confidential or proprietary information when generating citations with this tool. Remember, always protect your and others' privacy.


Need Additional Assistance? For detailed guidance on how to use the APA Citation Generator or to get insights into the APA citation guidelines, please visit our technical directions page.


Preferred Citation for this Tool: Courtney, M.B. (2023). APA Citation Generator. Courtney Consulting LLC. (Date Accessed).


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