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  • Writer's pictureMatthew B. Courtney, Ed.D.

Innovation as an Incubator for Evidence

Innovation in education isn't just about implementing new ideas—it's about transforming these ideas into valuable evidence that can guide future educational practices. This transformative approach positions innovation as a crucial incubator for evidence, where every new method or tool is also a potential study in effectiveness and impact. In this blog, we'll explore why fostering an environment where innovation feeds directly into evidence creation is vital, and we'll offer practical strategies for local educational leaders to effectively monitor these innovations.

Why Innovation Should Be an Incubator for Evidence in Education

Innovation in education often stems from a desire to improve, to solve persistent problems, or to meet evolving learner needs. However, without a structured approach to gather and analyze the outcomes, even the most promising innovations can fall short of their potential. By viewing each innovation as an incubator for evidence, educators can not only gauge the success of their initiatives but also contribute to the broader knowledge base of what works in education. This dual focus ensures that educational innovations provide immediate benefits while also offering insights that can shape effective practices worldwide.

When local educational leaders treat innovations as research opportunities, they transform their classrooms and schools into working laboratories. This mindset encourages a culture of inquiry and continuous improvement. It not only helps in refining the local application of these innovations but also sets the stage for broader contributions to educational research, ensuring that the findings are robust and widely applicable.

Strategies for Monitoring Innovations to Create Knowledge

To effectively turn local innovations into valuable evidence, educational leaders can employ several strategies. Here’s a look at five key approaches:

  1. Define Clear Metrics for Success: Before rolling out any innovation, identify specific, measurable outcomes that you aim to influence. These metrics should align with the goals of the innovation and provide a clear basis for later evaluation.

  2. Use a Mixed-Methods Approach: Combine quantitative methods (like standardized test scores and attendance rates) with qualitative feedback (such as student and teacher interviews) to gain a comprehensive view of the innovation's impact. This approach allows for a deeper understanding of both the numbers and the human experiences behind them.

  3. Implement Regular Feedback Loops: Set up mechanisms to gather ongoing feedback from all stakeholders involved, including students, parents, teachers, and administrators. This feedback is crucial for making real-time adjustments and for understanding the broader implications of the innovation.

  4. Conduct Comparative Studies: If possible, compare the outcomes of the innovation with control groups or previous approaches. This comparison can significantly strengthen the evidence of effectiveness and highlight areas for improvement.

  5. Document Everything: Keep detailed records of the innovation process, from planning and implementation to evaluation and adjustments. This documentation will be invaluable not only for internal reviews but also for sharing findings with the wider educational community.

The Importance of Sharing Knowledge

Once evidence is gathered, it's crucial to share these findings to drive the field of education forward. Publishing results in academic journals is one traditional route, offering a peer-reviewed platform that adds credibility and reach to your work. My Leaders Publish Initiative is designed to do just that. However, academic journals are not the only medium through which to share insights.

Working with the media can help translate complex educational research into accessible information that can reach a broader audience, including policymakers, educators, and the general public. Utilizing new media forms like blogs and podcasts can also be highly effective. These platforms allow for a more engaging and widespread dissemination of ideas and findings, inviting interactive discussions and feedback that can lead to further refinements.


Treating innovation as an incubator for evidence is a powerful strategy in education. It transforms local experiments into lessons with global implications, ensuring that every new idea is both a test and a testament to what can be achieved. By monitoring these innovations effectively and sharing the resulting knowledge broadly, educational leaders can not only enhance their own initiatives but also contribute to the cumulative advancement of educational practices. Embracing this approach will ensure that the field of education remains vibrant, responsive, and continually evolving to meet the needs of learners everywhere.

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